Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Before we actually made the video for our PND culture project we made a story board. We all worked together very well and we each had our own independent jobs. I think that doing the storyboard was a great starter to the video. Brian and John were definitely a big help with all the technological things we had to figure out and accomplish. Gina, Emily, and I all enjoyed our jobs because they related to things we liked. We liked looking up the quotes and pictures, and we feel that these elements make the video more interesting and it really catches the viewers eye.

Monday, April 11, 2011

culture video project

I really enjoyed doing this project. It was nice to do it in a group and assign jobs. Emily and I had fun looking up quotes together. Gina did a great job looking up some of the pictures even though they weren't all used. Brian did a great job putting the video together as well. Brian and John also did a great job interviewing Mr. Donnelly. We all came up with the questions and the layout but it was really amazing to see it all come together and finally look professional and clean. I enjoyed working with google docs, and especially iMovie. I am looking forward to using iMovie in other projects as well.

Monday, April 4, 2011


I thought this project was very fun. I was glad I got to talk about something I actually cared about instead of something random too. It was very informative to use garageband. Garageband is very hard to use, but once you get the hang of it it gets a little easier. It was hard to cut it so your voice, the music, and the pictures were in unison. Once it was done I was very happy to see how good it looked. I could never have done anything like this before. It was very fun to see the finished product look so professional and creative.